Saturday, June 22, 2013

What Are The Functions of Arnica Extracts in Cosmetics?

         The reason why Arnica Extract is popular in the production of cosmetics, especially in the area of hair care is because of its capacity to heal wounds and clear skin infections. Its benefits in the manufacture of cosmetics for skin and hair use are obvious. It heals a lot of skin cuts, bruises, sores. The oil has medicinal value that helps to quickly clear the scabs that form around fungal infections that often attack the scalp. It also eradicates dandruff's; leaving the scalp clean and as healthy.  This is a natural balm for use as an antibiotic that treats dry skin and most of the scalp issues.  The balm may also act as a moisturizing lotion for the body and scalp. 

         It has anti inflammatory quality, which means there is no irritation on the scalp while using it. Irritation of the skin scalp weakens the hair roots and cannot allow the hair to grow properly. Constant scratching or rough handling of hair when rubbing the itchy sores is known to tear the hair roots. Hair growth will then be inhibited.  As a result; your hair will not grow normally. A well soothed scalp and strong roots are important for the attainment of long silky and lush hair. This is the main reason why there is a lot of interest in this Arnica extract or oil that has been used for years by generations past to achieve similar results.  Arnica extracts has been producing great results for over a few years now.

          Its healing effect has made it the best choice for the manufacture of lip balms, and skin toning products. With all its amazing benefits Arnica extract has become a constant part of hair and skin care products manufacture. Above all, the producers of eyeliners for thick and lashes have also found a good raw product in Arnica extract. Various eyeliners contain this too. The main properties that make the oil quite popular are the medicinal value it has which enables the hair to grow without any disturbance. Growth of hair is boosted by this amazing extract. In addition to that, it is anti inflammatory too. It is now touted as a great content that discourages graying hair and prevents early falling of hair.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Phthalates are some of the Dangerous Chemicals in Cosmetics

          Not many people are aware that there is great need to check all their beauty products and other items for a dangerous chemical known as phthalates.  Most consumer products have traces of this chemical in varied proportions.  However, it is still possible to identify some great cosmetics that do not contain this dangerous stuff.  It is important for word to be out there about the dangers that lurk in cosmetics which use toxic substances. Always check the label before buying any makeup as the best option for good health.

This poisonous substance is in wide use today in the production of many items.  The unsuspecting consumers buy them for home use; such as lubricants, building materials, pesticides, adhesives, and all polyvinyl chloride plastic or PVC base materials. It is quite scary that some food containers or wraps, clothing, and toys are also loaded with this toxic substance. Such items are labeled as DEHP, DBP, DINP and BBP; which stand for Butyl Benzyl Phthalate. Its toxicity is relatively low in adults, since research showed that bigger animals needed a larger dose to make any lasting impact in their internal organs; ovaries, testes and liver.  However, the humans who are exposed to any products with traces of phthalates, which include cosmetics, are in danger of suffering from the effect of toxicity.  

      DEHP is a content which leaks from the polyvinyl chloride plastic; that is commonly known as the PVC.  Never be too complacent or be caught napping; be informed. This chemical is often applied to manufacture products used in the medical sector.  Tests have shown people who presented with similar doses that cause serious health problems.  Even with the effort to label food and other items as wholly natural or purely organic; always make an extra effort to verify further in order to get the right items. With this cautionary information; many people are able to stop falling into a trap of using dangerous chemicals without realizing it.  Look at the labels and make the selection with this information about the toxic effect of phthalates in mind; for safe cosmetics.  Do the same when buying other products for use around the home.